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SEN Specialist Expertise

External Agencies The school has established strong links with a range of external agencies and uses them effectively to support children with SEN. These include:

The agency involved would depend upon the area of concern and teaching staff would discuss this with the SENCO and parents before any action is taken.

In addition, school would take into account advice from other professionals and would put this into practice. A child may need further differentiation of activities or increased small group/individual report.


As a school we recognise the impact a strong relationship between school and home can have on children’s progress. This can be especially important for children who have SEN. We keep parents informed of any difficulties their children are having and support they are receiving at school. Parents are able to talk to their child’s teacher at termly parents’ days and are invited twice yearly to speak to the SENCO about any concerns they have. Parents are also aware of our ‘open-door’ policy and know they are welcome to come into school at any time to discuss any concerns they may have.

If you have any questions about our SEND Local Offer please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.