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Pastoral Support for Emotional and Social Development

Pastoral and Social Support

At Acre Rigg Infant School, all our staff reinforce the philosophy and ethos of the school. As a ‘Healthy School’, we promote the health, safety and well-being of our children.

We wish our children to feel happy and secure in whatever activity they are taking part. Our children are supervised at all times, and we place great emphasis on the welfare and well-being of the children in our care.

All our children should feel able to talk freely and openly to any member of staff, if they have any worries or problems of any kind on a work or personal level. Staff respond to children in an appropriate manner, offering advice, support, guidance and reassurance in conjunction with our other policies, including our Child Protection Policy.

Services available:

  • Children have the option to participate in our “Listening Matters Programme”. Several staff are trained listeners and offer play based one to one sessions.
  • A school counsellor works in school one day each week. Children and parents can be referred to the service when deemed appropriate.
  • Lego therapy
  • Therapeutic Story writing
  • Family nurturing. Parents are invited to attend the Family Nurturing Programme or have the programme delivered in their own home.
  • Parents can be referred to our Parent Support Advisor, Karen Harrison.

Medical Support

Several members of staff are trained in specific medical procedures for children with identified needs. Almost all staff have some form of First Aid training, from basic to enhanced. Staff are also trained in delivering medicines in school.

The SENCO works closely with families to ensure all medical needs are catered for

All of our pupils, regardless of their learning needs are given a high level of pastoral and social support from the moment they enter school right through to when they leave.

Our School Council meets on a frequent and regular basis to enable our children to tell us how they feel and make decisions about our school. 

Within classrooms class teachers develop very close relationships with each child to ensure that they are happy, secure and ready to learn on a daily basis. 

As a Silver Rights Respecting School, we place the UNCRC (United Conventions of the Rights of a Child) at the heart of its planning, policies and practice. The school has a Rights Respecting Ethos, where children are empowered to become active citizens and learners.

Children with medical needs are catered for in the same way with, if necessary, designated people to deal with any physical or emotional difficulty that we can. All staff are trained in first aid and identified staff administer medicine within school following the appropriate County guidelines.

We have a dedicated space in school where children can work in a confidential environment (Sunshine Room) and all members of our school community understand that access to these spaces is limited at time.  We see support for emotional and social development as a key focus of our work.

Our School Counsellor works in school to see children who have been identified by parents, or staff, for some additional support. Carol Gash regularly visits classrooms to discuss her role with children.

We can make referrals to the Emotional Resilience Nurse for additional support.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.